Saturday, 13 December 2008

The Promise That Came Through Faith

We were having Galatians 3 for our Daily Bread, which talk about how the believers now are living by faith and not by working of the Law. The passage also connecting on how the believers-by faith are also the heirs and be called Abraham's seed, therefore also eligible for the blessings God gave to Abraham;

9) So then, those who are people of faith are blessed and made happy and favored by God [as partners in fellowship] with the believing and trusting Abraham. (Galatians 3:9, English Amplified Bible)

Isn't it amazing. A God of the universe, decides to favor us, to blessed us, and our happines is important for Him.

I remember the time when i lost my cell-phone on the nigth train to Berlin. It was really my mistake, i was too sleepy when the cell phone fell to the bed under my bed so i decided to search it after we all woke up. Never had i in mind that the man who slept under my bed was so interested to my simple cell. Well, to cut story short, the man got out before dawn and took that thing. At that time i was just being reveiled of how bad things never came from God, that bad things came because of evil works and because the world is indeed a fallen world.

For the first time in my life, i didn't blame God of what's happening. I kindda shocked of the man's behaviour, but then i pitied him. He lost his sleeping hour, which he paid a lot of money by buying a sleeper bed only to get a uncomplete cell-phone without battery charge and all.

I prayed; "God, i know You didn't intend this to happen to me. But if You allowed this thing happen i believe Your hand keep protecting me and Irwan, and i believe whatever anybody took from us You'll restore that thing back. For i know that everything i have right now is from You."

Then the thought of having to buy another cell phone made my mind went a bit weary. I thought of how could God gave us extra money to buy a cell phone, my husband is an employee not a business man. His salary is fixed. Sometimes i'm just so cheap, ;p

Couplla of days later we went home in Paris, a friend gave us TWO cell phones of which i could pick one. Means, i don't have to buy another cell. Praise God for good friends! And... at the end of the month, out of our expectation we received a cheque with some amount of money. The amount is exactly enough to buy two brand new cell phones.

I repented, and said "God, You're always true to what You've said. You are indeed taking care of us and restore our situation. Praise be to You!"

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