Thursday, 25 November 2010


It's been a week that i noticed i got a strange headache. Not like usual headaches eventhough i rarely had them. This was a pain that came from somewhere underneath my left ear. Sometimes the pain occur with such intensity that i screamed, "Ouch, what was that?". I thought maybe it was some pain related from my recent tooth surgery, but i didn't know for sure. Anyway, i prayed many times to command the pain to leave. I spoke verses that promising healing, but unfortuneately the headache was still there.

This afternoon, while driving to my parents house Holy Spirit impressed me to worship the Lord. So i sang eventough the tape was not on. I sang random songs, and ended up singing "Jesus i believe in You, Jesus i belong to You. You are the reason i believe the reason that i sing... with all my heart".

Singing the song, i sensed such joy and peace and... love from Jesus. I cried while my mouth still sing the song. My tears flowed on my cheeks, and i knew this is not a self-pity-fear-of-punishment-cry i once experienced before i knew the truth about His grace. This was a cry that came from a grateful heart, know that i'm loved so deeply by my Creator.

I began worshipping Him. Thanking Him for what He has done in calvary. Thanking Him that He died so i could live. Thanking Him that by His blood i'm free from punishment, free from any curse, free from condemnations. Thanking Him that by His stripes i am healed. Thanking Him for wanting me to be happy, healthy and fruitful. Thanking Him that by His sacrifice i am called to be God's daughter.

I arrived at my parent's home 20 minutes later, and realized a relief in my head. Up till now 5 hours later, i'm still free from headache. Praise Lord Jesus!

I realized that the Holy Spirit taught me something important today. Miracles and healings come through faith. But faith must be activated by love, God's love. Like Joseph Prince once said, "Faith is the confidence of how much God's love us". When we realize how much He loves us, it automatically increases our faith, and by having an increased faith it creates a channel (or some said "bridge") for the manifestation of miracle and healing.

Our focus shouldn't be on the manifestation of healing, but to believe in His love. If that happen, surely healing will be manifested. In my personal opinion it is not just by claiming, screaming verses or using our authority to get rid of the symptoms. Of course we could use verses, commanding sickness to go and using our authority by having a king-priest position in Christ. but we should be careful because these activities could easily turn into some sort of "work" which lead us into "performance mentality".

God's style is always simpler and easier. Just believe.

Believe that He is a good and loving God.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Searching for A Graceful Church

According to the New Testament, the church is not a building. Neither is it a denomination, a religious service, nor a non-denominational organization. The church is a living organism. It is simply this: A community of people who possess the life of God’s Kingdom and who express it together.

(Quoted from Reimagining Church by Frank Viola)

Almost 2 years has passed since we moved here from France, yet we haven't joined any church. Of course sunday mornings were spent on a building called "church" but with no conversations afterwards among other brothers and sisters after the service, let alone helping and supporting each other just like the early church did.

Arrghhh.... how i long for a community of believers, who accepted each other as they are. Who practicing signs and wonders and supporting each other to tell people that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Who know each other well and love each other with the love of Christ.

Monday, 1 November 2010

God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.


James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5. This sentence was quoted two times or more in the Bible. I guessed it is quite important.

This verse is amazingly timely for me.

Continue from my previous post, now i'm starting like a new believer. I want to put behind the fact that i've accepted Jesus as my Savior since i was 15, and serving Him since. I put aside all the theories and theologies which shaped my frame of thoughts.

I have nothing to be proud of in front of men and You.

Now i want to learn from the beginning.

Of Your grace and mercy.
Of Your salvation, healing and prosperity.
Of Your rest.
Of Your power and works of wonders.

Lord, i don't want to be the judge anymore. I used to look behind and seeing the evidence when i thought You didn't care, and trying to make sense all of it with what people said about Your love. I am nothing compare to Your wisdom. Perhaps i know not now, but maybe someday You'd show me Your grand plan in my life. One day i'd look back and see that You work everything into good.

As John Gill's commentary for James 4:6:

but he giveth more grace to the humble

who are sensible of their own vileness and meanness, and acknowledge it; who think the meanest of themselves, and the best of others; and do not envy the gifts and graces of God bestowed upon others, but rejoice at them; and ascribe all they have, and are, to the free grace of God; and ingenuously confess the deficiency of their duties, and the insufficiency of their righteousness to justify them before God; and that when they have done all they can, or are assisted to do, they are but unprofitable servants: now to these God gives grace; he not only gives grace at first, to make them humble, but he gives them more grace, or increases what he gives: grace is God's gift; he gives all the grace that is in Christ, and all the blessings of grace that are in the covenant, and all the grace that is in the hearts of his people; as faith, hope, love, repentance, humility, patience, self-denial, resignation to his will, and every degree of spiritual knowledge; and grace is only his gift; men cannot give it to themselves, nor can the best of men give it to others; not godly parents to their children; nor ministers to those to whom they preach; no, nor the angels in heaven; nor is it to be obtained by the works of men: it is a free gift; it is given of the sovereign will and good pleasure of God, to whom, and when, and in what measure he pleases; to which he is not induced by any motives in men, for they have nothing in them to move him to it; and it is given by him absolutely, without conditions, not suspending it till the performance of them; and he gives it cheerfully and not grudgingly, largely, bountifully, and in great abundance.